
Jumat, 22 Januari 2016


A CaliforniaFriendly Guide to Native and Drought Tolerant. and Drought Tolerant Gardens”, a collection of plants featured in our customer Native and drought tolerant plants are important for this region, not just because.

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tolerant Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. tolerant meaning, definition, what is tolerant willing to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you

Drought Tolerant Plants California Sea Grant. Green Sheet Series #2 August 2009 Drought Tolerant Plant Characteristics


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Tolerance definition of tolerance by The Free Dictionary. Define tolerance. tolerance synonyms, tolerance pronunciation, tolerance [ˈtɒlərəns] n (= tolerant attitude) → tolérance f [drug, substance] → tolérance f

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Errortolerant design Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An errortolerant design (also humanerrortolerant design) is one that does not unduly penalize user or human errors. It is the human equivalent of fault tolerant 

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